Ana Rodriguez

Ana Rodriguez

Future|Money Awardee

Ana Rodriguez

Ana Rodríguez (Quito, Ecuador) is a curator, researcher, and professor. Rodríguez served as Minister and Vice-minister of Culture of Ecuador, directed the City Museums Foundation, and the Contemporary Art Center, all in Quito. She was part of CENEDET (National Strategy Center for the Right to the Territory) at the IAEN, and CITE (Center for Public Policies and Territory Research) in FLACSO-Ecuador. She studied fine arts and aesthetics at Université Paris 1-Panthéon-Sorbonne in France, and cultural studies at the Universidad Andina Simón Bolivar in Quito, Ecuador. Among her main fields of research and publication on urban issues, there are gangs studies and violence, food systems / popular markets, and intercultural tools for public management.

Future|Money Open Studio

FUTURE|MONEY Was the first open grant opportunity for 2023. The goal was to seek artists of any discipline to reimagine outdated financial systems that currently exclude 1.7 billion people from accessing essential services to make and receive payments. Imagining the Future is often based on our own memories and imaginations of our surroundings. We asked the artists to dive into their imagination …

Future|Money Open Studio Day 2

FUTURE|MONEY Was the first open grant opportunity for 2023. The goal was to seek artists of any discipline to reimagine outdated financial systems that currently exclude 1.7 billion people from accessing essential services to make and receive payments. Imagining the Future is often based on our own memories and imaginations of our surroundings. We asked the artists to dive into their imagination …