Ariel Frankel

Ariel Frankel

Senior Director of Public Health, TechChange

Ariel Frankel

Ariel is the Director of Public Health at TechChange. She helped establish the Public Health division at TechChange in 2021, and leads a team of public health managers and associates who create, manage and deliver engaging and interactive health-focused training experiences around the world. She is a public health professional with 8+ years of experience in human-centered design, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), and international project management. She has led the development of course content and capacity building programs on some of the largest Public Health team initiatives, including the Digital Health: Planning National Systems course offerings – the flagship foundational course on digital health for the World Health Organization. Ariel holds an MSPH from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Social and Behavioral Interventions within the Global Health Department.

Digital Finance – a Woman’s Immersive Experience

Had enough power point presentations? Opt for a get-out-of-your seats Immersive Experience where you can “walk in the shoes” of a woman in a rural geography of a developing country, experiencing the challenges and benefits of a digital wallet in their daily life. You'll laugh, you might cry, and you'll definitely learn something new.