Jayshree Venkatesan

Jayshree Venkatesan

Senior Director, Consumer Protection & Responsible Finance

Jayshree Venkatesan

Jayshree leads research on fintechs, platforms and other DFS providers to understand their incentives, practices, and how/if they serve low-income consumers; contribute to advocacy on consumer protection and other policy priorities for inclusive finance and co-lead the development of influence strategies and campaigns with the communications team. She joined CFI after working for eight years as an independent global consultant to several partners including: CGAP, World Bank, JICA, and ITAD. As a consultant, she worked on customer centric business models, and challenges faced by customers in accessing and using financial services. From 2009 to 2013, Jayshree was part of the founding team at IFMR Trust (now Dvara Trust), where she led a mezzanine fund that invested in microfinance institutions in India. She began her career at ICICI Bank in India. Jayshree is a senior policy fellow at the Leir Institute housed within the Fletcher school of Law and Diplomacy, where she works on challenges faced by vulnerable segments such as migrants/refugees in accessing financial services. In 2014, she received the Chevening fellowship for leadership by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK. She earned an MA in International Relations from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, MBA from MDI Gurgaon (India) and a Bachelor’s in Mathematics from Mumbai University, graduating at the top of her class.

Cross Border Payments in the Instant Era

The session aims to engage a fruitful conversation regarding challenges facing INSTANT cross-border payments

Exploring Risks and Consumer Trust in the Shift from Traditional to Open Finance

Does open finance always lead to consumer empowerment? What if you’re poor? What if you’re already vulnerable? What if your data is misused? This session will examine these questions and more through a parallel thinking methodology. Open finance ecosystems have been viewed in the past decade as potential answers to solve inclusion challenges- they can break the hegemony of traditional financia…