Layanah AlWreikat

Layanah AlWreikat

Business Development and Operations Director @JoPACC

Layanah AlWreikat

Layanah has been working at JoPACC for five years, heading the development and operations department and, recently the FinTech innovation departments. She was the project manager for the Instant Payment System (CliQ) deployment in Jordan and the project manager for the JoMoPay upgrade to the ISO20022. As part of her role at JoPACC, Layanah is responsible for the high-level component designs and data flows of new services and platforms. Additionally, she is responsible for developing and reviewing system integration documents (Business and Technical ones). She also acts as the focal point for system participants and stakeholders. Layanah holds a bachelor's degree in telecommunication engineering, a master's degree in Data Science, an MBA, and a master's degree in Communications and Information Systems.

Cross Border Payments in the Instant Era

The session aims to engage a fruitful conversation regarding challenges facing INSTANT cross-border payments