Maha Bahou

Maha Bahou

CEO of Jordan Payments and Clearing Company (JoPACC)

Maha Bahou

Ms. Maha serves as CEO of JoPACC since June 2018. The Company is mandated with enhancing and promoting digital payments in Jordan and is the operator of several payment systems in the country. Before JoPACC, Ms. Maha worked at the Central Bank of Jordan for 30 years, where she was most recently the Executive Manager of the Payment Systems, Domestic Banking Operations and Financial Inclusion Department for 7 years. She has done consulting work in Libya and has experience as a lecturer at the University of Jordan and as a trainer in cooperation with Philadelphia Consulting, the Institute of Banking Studies, the Central Bank of Jordan, and different NGOs. Ms. Maha holds a master’s degree in Banking and Finance, a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business Administration, in addition to a Leadership and Strategic Management certificate from The Royal Military Academy of Sandhurst. She has been honored by King Abdullah II with the Distinguished Government Leader Award for the year 2016. Ms. Maha has been appointed a member of Jordanian Senate in 2022. She currently sits on several local and international boards, including Innovative Start- ups and SMEs Fund (ISSF), Interledger Foundation in Luxemburg, and the Global Action Network on Forced Displacement. She has served on the board of the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) of the World Bank from 2017 to 2022.