Tani Olhanoski

Tani Olhanoski

Mysilio - Founder, CEO

Tani Olhanoski

Tani Olhanoski is a serial entrepreneur who has spent the last decade building software companies and community spaces in the Bay Area. They began their career in tech in 2014 as the Director of Operations for the first fully-compliant crypto exchange in the US and brings a deep understanding of financial systems and regulatory compliance to their current product thinking. They consult on a range of startups and decentralized web projects, and have spent the last 5 years diving deep into community-ownership, alternative investment models, and exploring new technologies that enable deeper financial inclusion. As the CEO of Mysilio, they are working towards the future of user-owned platform cooperatives and a more equitable Web built for all.

Reimagining Tech Platforms of the Future - How to build Digital Public Infrastructure using ILP

If ILP can potentially unlock economic power on the Web, how can that economic power be directed towards building Digital Public Infrastructure? In this collaborative world-building workshop, we’ll introduce the idea of DPI and reimagine what our tech institutions of the future could look like, and walk participants through a series of exercises to co-design ways that ILP can be used to bring thes…