The Waterworks of Money and Future Scenarios for the Monetary System

  1. 2023 Summit
  2. Talks

The Waterworks of Money and Future Scenarios for the Monetary System

- 50min

The Waterworks of Money is a metaphorical representation of our money system, made by cartographer Carlijn Kingma, financial journalist Thomas Bollen, and professor New Finance Martijn Jeroen van der Linden. The Waterworks of Money is an artistic attempt to demystify the financial world, boost ‘systemic financial literacy’ and explore alternative future architectures of the monetary system.

The Waterworks of Money was exhibited in Rijksmuseum Twenthe, Kunstmuseum Den Haag, and reproductions are currently on display at the Architecture Biennale in Venice, the Dutch Design Week, the Rabobank and The Hague University of Applied Sciences, and will also be shown at the summit. In October 2023, the Waterworks of Money received the Amsterdam Art Prize and the Dutch Design Award in the category Design Research.